Friday, February 20, 2009


If Jorge's too long winded then I get side tracked too much.  I appreciate your long-windedness, Jorge.  

So, here is my sidetracked question...Is it okay to not go to a church just because you don't like it?  Micah and I have been to several that were good churches, but we decided not to worship there just because we didn't like it there.  Is that okay?  Also, what if you go to a church, agree with most things that are taught, but not everything.  Should you stay worshipping there or should you leave?  We don't have any of these problems at the church we are currently at, but we have had them in the past and know people who have had some of these same problems.  We are talking about unity in our Wednesday night class, so that has brought up some of these questions amongst Micah and I.  Your thoughts are appreciated.  

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